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Assess, Articulate
and Advance Your Facilities Priorities

Healthcare facilities leaders must provide a continuum of care for their communities today while looking ahead to remain competitive in tomorrow’s demanding marketplace. Yet, given rigid facilities constraints, making balanced investment decisions and delivering on priorities is incredibly complex. Leaders must define and communicate a strategy for every decision.

The healthcare industry’s smartest executives, savviest operators and most diligent maintenance organizations trust Gordian to help them close data and communication gaps, facilitate decisions that deliver value and elevate patient satisfaction.

Healthcare 1

Assess and Define the Conditions of Your
Facilities Portfolio

It’s a tried-and-true adage that you can’t manage what you don’t measure. Gordian’s Assessments and Capital Planning options help hospital and healthcare organizations measure what’s strategically important to them and pave the way to a brighter future.


Download this eBook to discover how hospitals use facility condition data to optimize their facilities to meet evolving community needs


Watch this on demand webcast to hear an expert panel offer insights into developing a facilities assessment strategy that captures

A Canadian health ministry defined and communicated facilities risks to justify a

262% capital budget increase

Healthcare 2

Balance Large-Cap Demands with Small-Cap Operational Projects

Facilities leaders know that routine, small-cap projects can have a significant impact on community health and the health of the business. Gordian’s Job Order Contracting (JOC) offers the power to complete more operational projects in less time and control costs.


Download this eBook to learn how data-driven, value-based construction procurement methods enable hospitals and health systems to control costs, maintain and improve


Healthcare facilities are in the midst of a resource scarcity crisis. Read how they can chart a path forward by

Gordian’s Procurement Solutions

save an average of 6%

in construction costs

Healthcare 3

Align Projects with Mission and Strategic Direction

At too many U.S. hospitals and health systems, leadership approaches facilities planning as a means to an end rather than as a strategic activity essential to achieving the overall mission and vision of the organization. Gordian’s Facilities Planning and Construction Procurement solutions flip that dynamic on its head.


When it comes to achieving a healthcare institution’s mission, facilities goals should be given higher priority. Here’s how effective, data-driven


Find out how Grady Memorial Hospital overhauled an empty parking garage space to provide healthy food options and nutrition consulting

In the last decade, New York City Health & Hospitals has completed

more than $175 million

in construction projects using Gordian’s Procurement Solutions

Gordian’s Building Intelligence™ Solutions empower healthcare organizations like yours to budget, build and maintain their capital-intensive physical assets. See how we can help you effectively manage the building lifecycle and change the future of care.

Gordian’s Facilities Planning Solutions
Gordian’s Construction Procurement Solutions
Gordian’s Asset Optimization Solutions

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