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Unifying Your Facilities Capabilities Episode 1: Exploring Gordian Cloud Platform

Unifying Your Facilities Capabilities Episode 1: Exploring Gordian Cloud Platform

In this webinar, discover how Gordian Cloud Platform unifies critical workflows across the building lifecycle. Take an in-depth look at how this cloud-based environment brings together capital planning, estimating and procurement capabilities in a way that empowers organizations to successfully budget, build and maintain capital-intensive assets. Additionally, get a behind-the-scenes look at how Gordian’s transition from standalone tools to a connected platform is accelerating data-driven decision-making, enhancing collaboration and improving project execution.

Learning Objectives:

    • Review the advantages of a unified, cloud-based solution

    • Learn about the platform’s connected core capabilities

    • Watch a demo of Gordian Cloud Platform

    • Uncover strategies for maximizing facilities performance across your portfolio

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