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Achieving Administrative Priorities Resource Hub

Achieving Administrative Priorities Resource Hub

December 23, 2024

The White House expects contracting officers, procurement agents and other federal government leaders to achieve several highly-visible administrative priorities designed to modernize how agencies operate. These goals, namely better insights into and control over budgets, consistent small business enablement and enhanced cyber security, have federal leaders looking to private industry for solutions. One such solution is Gordian’s Job Order Contracting (JOC), an IDIQ construction project delivery method.

This collection of resources explains the benefits JOC provides to both federal project owners and construction contractors and digs into how JOC is already being used to complete thousands of public sector projects every single year.

Resources Include:

  • A summary of a recent study of JOC
  • An on-demand webcast, presented in partnership with GovExec, that delves into modernization strategies for federal entities
  • A report that examines how innovative construction procurement methods like Gordian’s JOC can fulfill infrastructure needs while enabling small businesses
  • Three JOC success stories from the public sector
  • An eBook that analyzes the size and scope of the Department of Defense’s military housing project backlog and what can be done to address it
  • A blog post explaining how IDIQ construction can help federal project owners beat the budget cycle

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