Control the Impacts of Change Orders
Change orders affect construction projects of all sizes, and can feel like they are a way of life in construction.
Change orders affect construction projects of all sizes, and can feel like they are a way of life in construction.
Costing construction is much more than just an application of unit prices. It includes how you apply the software and use both direct and indirect costs.
Natural disasters and mechanical failures, such as a water line break or a bridge bearing failure, can create an emergency event that requires an immediate response to stabilize the building, site or impacted area, to clean up, and to make the required repairs.
One of the many great things about my marriage is my wife doesn’t really understand what I do, and as a result, she doesn’t read my blogs either, so I am safe in writing about the time we went to a marriage counselor.
Having a knowledgeable and experienced person perform value engineering on a construction project is a great benefit, saving time and money for the facility owner.
To run a successful Job Order Contracting (JOC) program the facility owner, the JOC contractor and the JOC technical expert must be in alignment.
Here are eight common mistakes when developing Job Order Contracting price proposals for construction projects.
Do you keep boxes upon boxes of fluorescent lamps and ballasts in storage for your facilities? Does your maintenance staff invest hours upon hours troubleshooting fluorescent fixtures? Does your HVAC system need a break from competing with heat emitting ballasts? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then LEDs or Light Emitting Diodes may be a fit for your facility and your maintenance/operating budget.
Learn how Gordian’s Construction Task Catalog (CTC) can help contractors and organizations with pricing transparency.
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