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Blog: Maintenance And Operations

Flexible Medical Care Facilities

Designing Flexible Medical Care Facilities

Medical care facilities were designed with “normal” care business in mind. They were certainly not designed with the flexibility needed to treat pandemic patients. So let’s examine a few ways healthcare facilities leaders can create facilities flexibility.

3 smart questions to ask about capital planning.

3 Smart Questions to Ask About Project Selection Right Now

With all the pressure on organizational finances due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it can seem wise to pause or eliminate plans for capital expenditures. But how do you choose which projects should move forward and which should wait when the budget is under tremendous strain? Here’s your project selection guide.

The Social Distancing Investment Window

5 Ways to Take Advantage of the Investment Window Created by Social Distancing

The need to reinvest into a physical plant doesn’t stop – even during a global pandemic – and social distancing is providing owners virtually full, unencumbered access to every building. If you want to take advantage of this unique investment window, consider these five strategies to help keep your capital budgets intact while making critical investments.

The Power of Data in Uncertain Times 1

The Power of Data in Uncertain Times

Decisions must be made quickly in crises. Read this blog post for a data-driven, decision-making framework to guide leaders toward rational responses during uncertain times.

Is Asking How Much to Spend Really the Right Question? 2

Is Asking How Much to Spend Really the Right Question?

Conversations between finance officers and facilities leaders normally boil down to one question: “How much do we need to spend?” But, during this time of turmoil and uncertainty, is asking how much to spend really the proper investment approach right now?

Taking Steps Toward a New Normal After COVID-19 3

Taking Steps Toward a New Normal After COVID-19

The COVID-19 crisis has created an unprecedented disruption in both our daily lives and the larger higher education world. Through it all, there are two questions on everyone’s mind: How can we make the most of the present situation? And, when it’s over, what will the new normal look like? Here are three steps for taking advantage of currently empty campuses in order to build data-based plans for the next season.

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