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April 29, 2020

The affects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the construction industry are bound to have an impact on material, labor and equipment costs. But how much and for how long? Join us as our panel of experts grapple with these questions and more about COVID-19’s impact on construction costs in a special roundtable discussion.


April 23, 2020

Government procurement processes have a reputation for gridlock. The great irony is that government construction procurement is slow for good reasons. The guardrails are for our protection. Here are three common reasons Federal construction procurement can be slow.


April 21, 2020

The COVID-19 crisis has created an unprecedented disruption in both our daily lives and the larger higher education world. Through it all, there are two questions on everyone’s mind: How can we make the most of the present situation? And, when it’s over, what will the new normal look like? Here are three steps for taking advantage of currently empty campuses in order to build data-based plans for the next season.


April 15, 2020

When a need arises within the physical assets, facilities managers must have a central seat at the decision-making table so that the facilities team can act quickly, decisively and with the confidence of others.


April 9, 2020

It might be hard to imagine the first thing you’ll do when you go back to normal work after the COVID-19 pandemic. But that time will come, and you’ll want to hit the ground running. Whenever it’s safe for your facility to reopen, here are three things you should put at the top of your list.


April 3, 2020

In the age of social distancing, it’s hardly business as usual in the construction industry. But that doesn't mean work has stopped. Regional Director Joie Serra explains new practices her team is adopting to keep projects moving while preventing the spread of COVID-19.


April 2, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting all of our lives. But, eventually, it will come to an end. It’s important that, as we make decisions during a crisis, we remain aware of the future. One that, by all accounts, will be very different than what we assumed it would be a few months ago.


March 26, 2020

A flurry of developments and directives have emerged in the last week to provide guidance and increased flexibility as Federal workers look to fulfill, and at times adapt, their agency mission in the face of the unprecedented COVID-19 crisis. Read the latest updates.


March 13, 2020

A Scope of Work defines the who, what, when, where and how of a construction project. That’s a lot of work, but putting in the time is worth it. To help you with your next Scope of Work, we’ve put together a list of four productivity hacks for scoping construction.

What the Data Says: Steel Price Updates

4 Emerging Trends From the Q2 2024 Construction Cost Insights Report

What Is Job Order Contracting? 2024 Job Order Contracting Basics

Utility Infrastructure Grades from the ASCE Report Card

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