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June 7, 2021

As rational facilities requirements are codified in response to COVID-19, health facilities professionals will be challenged with multiple large- and small-cap projects to address these new requirements for flexibility. Find out why value-based construction is a strategic fit for the small-cap projects.


May 27, 2021

In this edition of What the Data Says, we’re taking a look at the extraordinary rise in structural steel costs. Over the past several months, we have become accustomed to volatility in this commodity’s pricing but the latest increase is unprecedented. The price of structural steel has increased 91% since the last quarter of 2020, rising 45% in the past quarter.


May 26, 2021

The State of Facilities report has generated a wealth of conversation among higher ed leaders. In an effort to continue this all-important discussion, we are answering a selection of questions we have received in thematic posts. This post looks at the facilities organization of tomorrow.


May 11, 2021

Sustainable mutual funds are out performing the market at incredible rates. Why? Because investors and customers alike care about sustainable business practices. Learn how investing in sustainability could benefit your business.


May 10, 2021

There’s a common notion in the industry that estimators can take last year’s price for a given material and add a couple percentage points to account for any increases. But there are two issues with this mindset - issues that are solved by quarterly construction material cost updates.


May 3, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically shifted priorities for many organizations. Find out how our VFA software and facilities expertise can help with capital planning during COVID.


May 3, 2021

Due to COVID-19, deferred maintenance on HVAC systems is a greater hazard than ever before. The new System Vulnerability Index in VFA Capital Planning Software can help you better understand the condition of your ventilation systems for reopening.


May 3, 2021

Meet Kykloud, your new mobile survey and inspection app. Kykloud gives you a simple, consistent, guided process to collect condition surveys, inspections and lifecycle asset management across your entire portfolio


May 3, 2021

VFA Capital Planning Software platform helps facilities professionals objectively model multi-year capital plans that optimize and align real estate portfolio investments with their mission. By centralizing asset and facility information, this cloud-based software provides the forecasting tools managers need to efficiently gather and maintain facility condition data and then leverage that data to optimize budget decisions about maintenance and capital planning.

Job Order Contracting Basics: Benefits for Contractors

Challenges in the Military’s Move to Net Zero

Gordian’s Assessment Options: Modeled Assessment

Three Big Stories From the Q3 Construction Cost Insights Report 

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