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June 25, 2020

TASBO and Gordian recently brought together a group of business officers from K-12 schools to discuss their plans for re-opening in the fall. The group identified a few common struggles during the conversation.


June 23, 2020

The need to reinvest into a physical plant doesn't stop - even during a global pandemic - and social distancing is providing owners virtually full, unencumbered access to every building. If you want to take advantage of this unique investment window, consider these five strategies to help keep your capital budgets intact while making critical investments.


June 10, 2020

It’s a question echoing across colleges and universities around the world: How do we schedule classes and maintain a safe social distance? In this blog post, we turn that question on its head and ask if social distancing can improve higher ed classroom utilization.


June 4, 2020

Construction estimators are a crucial part of the construction process. It's a construction estimator's job to determine the cost of a building project. But as simple as that may sound, construction estimating requires a lot of skill.


May 28, 2020

We recently sat down with some of our Public Housing clients to hear how they’ve overcome challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic. While all Housing Authorities are unique, there are common threads in each of their stories. Here are some their shared experiences.


May 22, 2020

The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) recently updated their Cost Estimating and Assessment Best Practices Guide. Read this to learn how RSMeans Data Online can help Federal estimators apply the new GAO recommendations to construction cost estimates.


May 19, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has upset the North American construction industry in a variety of ways. Disruptions in work have been particularly painful for public construction. Read this blog post for an overview of four disruptions to public projects and one way to curb them.


May 11, 2020

Decisions must be made quickly in crises. Read this blog post for a data-driven, decision-making framework to guide leaders toward rational responses during uncertain times.


May 7, 2020

Conversations between finance officers and facilities leaders normally boil down to one question: “How much do we need to spend?” But, during this time of turmoil and uncertainty, is asking how much to spend really the proper investment approach right now?

What the Data Says: Steel Price Updates

4 Emerging Trends From the Q2 2024 Construction Cost Insights Report

What Is Job Order Contracting? 2024 Job Order Contracting Basics

Utility Infrastructure Grades from the ASCE Report Card

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